last week's jams:
sanskrit at gmail dot com
Best Week Ever
Brooklyn Vegan
You Ain't No Picasso
Music (For Robots)
the speed of boredom
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
yo brian, i fixed your post so it goes directly to the article rather than the BBC news front page. only reason i did that is because the article won't be on the front page anymore come tommorrow.
and after reading the whole article...i still don't know why we'd want to do that...its just seems horribly wrong...mice with human sperm...ewww...too..many...ellipses...
i am quite content with the design with type homework i finished today, and i've been jotting down ideas for my graphic design homework, which i'll get to after class tommorrow when i have the time.
in american creativity today, he told us that the test would have more or less nothing to do with any of the things we go over in class, rather it would review the material in the text book which we never discuss.
good to know there's a reason i bother showing up other than attendance points. today we watched a scene from streetcar named desire, a scene from west side story, and about an hour of a documentary covering the birth of rock and roll.
math was funny today. funny because i realized what a lousy education the rest of my class had in grade school.
now, these aren't dumb people. i can see from the way they've picked up most of the work we've done in class that they're capable of learning this, its just sad that their teachers never tried to challenge them like mine did...and its funny when they're just plain wrong and don't realize it.
at one point today, we had to find the sum of 1 and 1/2.
i kid you not.
and when he write the process on the board (converting 1 to 2/2 and adding 2/2 to 1/2 to come up with 3/2) a couple of kids insisted that 2/2 was the answer and we were pulling the other 1/2 out of nowhere. we spent five minutes explaining to 2/2 IS 1 and that the 1/2 that was there was the exact same 1/2 that had always been there.
you don't even need to know how any of this works, as long as you can read the notation in the formula. seriously. not having thought to bring one of my own calculators from home, brian lent me his for the semester. its a basic texas instruments scientific calculator, even simpler and more streamlined than any of the ones i've used since 6th grade, and it has all the keys and functions i need to just type in the equation as it is given and come up with the answer (in fraction form, might i add)
even though i can do most (so far all) of the problems given in my head, the calculator CAN do it all for me, so these people just don't know what they're doing...and that amuses me.
7:46 PM
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