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the speed of boredom

Monday, May 10, 2004

apparently, today i feel like reviving my once-dead persona of "sensative jerk"

sculptwerks: Its nice to have something to counter the stupid.... i forget her name..... hero girl from WV
sculptwerks: Now i can say "Lyndie England" to their "jessica Lynch"
ArtWhenWeMelt: haha, yes
ArtWhenWeMelt: they announced jesica lynch was doing commencement speeches the other day
ArtWhenWeMelt: and i was like "what the hell kind of person is this to lead you into your future?"
sculptwerks: oh brother....
ArtWhenWeMelt: "she was captured and held prisoner"
ArtWhenWeMelt: "she was a failure of war"
ArtWhenWeMelt: "when no one else got caught, she did!"
sculptwerks: Maybe she can commence a way out of her utter failure as a soilder.
ArtWhenWeMelt: "and it wasn't even the cool kind of getting caught where you do it to learn secret information inside the enemy base"
ArtWhenWeMelt: "it was the 'doy, what does this button do?' kind of getting caught"
sculptwerks: Why are you quoting all of this? Did they say all this on the news?
ArtWhenWeMelt: no, its just what i said
sculptwerks: Maybe she and Lyndie will have hot lesbian sex and magically create some sort of faliure tourture baby.
sculptwerks: Its just an abortion who's constantly in a lot of pain....... in the medical waste bin.
ArtWhenWeMelt: ow, doctor
ArtWhenWeMelt: you just said a mouthful
ArtWhenWeMelt: of dead babies
sculptwerks: "ow, doctor" is just what it said before it was tossed.
ArtWhenWeMelt: ZING!
ArtWhenWeMelt: the sound of both the tossing and the joke

9:31 PM
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