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the speed of boredom

Monday, June 07, 2004

busy lately. still no job, but busy.
saturday was the Harvey Award Exhibition opening and reception at MoCCA. i got there around 2:30 to help with whatever needed to be done. as per usual, i forgot these sort of events require both my telling people in advance that i will be volunteering and that i wear something more presentable than a clean MoCCA t-shirt. the turnout was not as great as i'd hoped, but i always hope for more than i can get.
i ducked out a little early, a little after nine, i think. i got to penn station, realized i had almost an hour to kill, and sauntered about when i saw a group of familiar looking kids. forst i noticed one guy dressed in black with a ponytail and undercut the same way i had for the last year of high school and the first year of art school. then i noticed the flashy blue shirt with oriental-styled silver trim on the girl next to him. as i doubled back a bit and studied their faces, i suddenly recognized them as nicolle lewis from tri-d model congress and her boyfriend billy. i snuck around the ticket machines and crowds of rushing travellers, slid up by the column behind billy, stalked right up beside his ear and all of its undercut glory and proclaimed "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..."
all four of them (i could not identify the other two, but they were clearly all together) turned to identify the interloper. billy seemed to pick it up the quickest. he turned and said "hey man, how ya doin'?" "eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww..." i continued to taunt the shadow of my deplorable fashion sense. nicolle's eyes lit up and she whelped "derrick!", pounced from her place and hugged me. "yes, hello, how are you all this evening?" i squeaked in return. nicolle's face stiffened as she fell back into place and mired "you don't remember me."
this flabbergasted me. as if i just go over to random packs of kids in large stations of transit and expect them to include me in their reindeer games. i motioned towards the ghost of bad taste past and opted "like i'm gonna remember your boy here and not you." it was at this point i decided it would be more fun if i identified neither of them by name just to disturb the girl.
we carried out conversation for a few minutes. the four of them had trekked to china town for trinkets. nicolle felt the need to remind me for the fifth time that she just finished her first year of college after skipping ahead a year, and i reminded her that she hated the school and that her mom wouldn't allow her to leave home for a real legitimate school until she was eighteen, as she had told me via IM all year.
they quickly left to board their train, but as the three boys rushed ahead, nicolle strayed a bit and queried "you really don't remember me?" i smiled and admitted "i remember you, nicolle. of course i remember you." when she heard her name, she smiled and hopped back off. i spent the next hour coming up with ways i could have revealed my memory more dramatically. i thought to post them here, but i figured they would work better in a movie script or something along those lines.
sunday morning i woke slightly earlier than usual. i was feeling a bit queasy and it was raining a fair bit and i was to be in the city by 10:30. this is because i had told Ken Wong from MoCCA that i would be at his actual office by 10:30 to help them move stuff. Ken directs the marketing for CopCorp, a licensing group whose clients include Jim Benton's It's Happy Bunny, which my little sister adores and i see pretty much everywhere i go. this week is the international licensing fair at the Javitz Center and they needed help setting up and breaking down their stuff. the work went fairly fast and it felt good. lifting boxes, moving things around, building stuff, i don't know it just makes me feel more productive than when i'm at the computer designing stuff. its more immediate. anyway, i did that for about six hours and walked from the Javitz Center back to Madison Square Garden, continuing to Jim Hanley's for a bit of self-imposed required reading in the form of Y-The Last Man, A Sort of Homecoming (they only had part two, not three, argh, i need part three) and Runaways, then back to Penn Station where i again rewarded myself with two McDonald's cheeseburgers and apple pies, a Nutrageous bar and a bottle of Sierra Mist. when i got home, they had just started watching Calendar Girls so i watched that and enjoyed.
this morning, nova was getting her stuff together to drive out to pennsylvania for her new gig. as per usual, she does her little freak out routine if anyone mentions anything. my muscles were achey so i was moving slow and as little as i really felt like. i hovered at the table on my way to the kitchen when a gap in the dvd rack took my eye. i studied it for a moment when i noticed the west wing dvd box set was missing. made sense as it was nova's. she must have wanted it with her. "oh, you're bringing the west wing dvds." "well, i packed them, why, do you have a problem with that?" "no, no, i'm just saying because..." "if you want to watch them i suppose i could leave them if that what you reall want to do" "no, no, not at all. they're yours, you can take them..." "fine, i was just watching them in my room, you can take them later today"
i learned many years ago to not even try arguing with nova. its futile. no matter what you're saying, she'll throw a fit about it.
after she and my dad got in each other's ways about fifteen more times, then left the house at the same time and came back because they each forgot something at the same time and left again for real at the same time, i mostly lay down for the morning. around 1:30, maria and i got together, deciding to return the dvds i had from blockbuster for ones we could watch. on our way we ran into erin who had just gotten back from hawaii a couple of days ago. she had been visiting heather who returned today from visiting her mom in hawaii for a month. after i ruled out all mindless slasher movies as they seem to be the only thing my friends ever like and the only thing i ever hate, all maria and i could agree would be interesting to watch were kill bill volume 1 and the matrix revolutions. on our way back we stopped and chatted with tom donato for a good fifteen minutes or so, then ran into erin again in cvs and the three of us went to bella lune pizza. by the time maria and i got back to my house, she realized she had to go to work. my mother and i decided we weren't really interested in either film, so we returned them and got Intolerable Cruelty and Shattered Glass.
we watched shattered glass tonight. it was really quite interesting to watch. it was fun to finally see hank azaria play a nice good guy and i think i really like hayden christiansen as an actor between that and Life As A House

ok, tired of typing now:

JerseyDrift: braar!
JerseyDrift: got a digital video camera for my birthday
ArtWhenWeMelt: braar indeed
ArtWhenWeMelt: happy buddy icon for you
JerseyDrift: now we can make refill robots
ArtWhenWeMelt: OH, SHIT
ArtWhenWeMelt: you just said the magic words
JerseyDrift: I gotta figure out how to work this crazy thing over the summer
ArtWhenWeMelt: indeed you do
ArtWhenWeMelt: indeed
ArtWhenWeMelt: you do
ArtWhenWeMelt: you can be like george jetson on the treadmill
ArtWhenWeMelt: BRIAN, stop this crazy thing!!!

10:09 PM
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