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the speed of boredom

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

i have totally been ignoring this thing and that's not fair.

anyways, the new song, "second flight," is up on pureVolume
this one was kind of written with a full album in mind as the drums cut off abruptly at the end to allow the next song to just totally take over and take control.
fourteen years ago today men 19 and 20 years of age had to register the draft. i think that's interesting as i'm hanging at dan's right now. he's 19 and i'm 20.
one week ago today i shook hands with and got new books and sketches from both Craig Thompson and James Kochalka. i bought the last copy of Punky Brewskis that James had with him and we agreed that while most people prefer Don't Trust Whitey and Monkey Vs. Robot, we think Kissers is his best album. Craig was his usual polite self despite the fact that his hand was obviously in tremendous amounts of pain. i didn't ask for a sketch from his, just his signature on his new book Carnet de Voyage (which i finished the following morning and i thought it was brilliant and inspirational). Heather was surprised Craig remembered her and, after we both read the book, she was mad at me for not telling him that she loves him and wants to do things with him.
the next day, i went back in to see the Unicorns in Williamsburgh. after waiting on line for a few hours, we realized that Maria didn't have sufficient identification, so, with the group rule at concerts and events being all-or-nothing, we ditched. i got mad not at her lacking ID but at her indecisiveness at picking a place to stop and eat later on. she wandered up to random bars, cafes, bistros and eateries like a wide-eyed tourist, stood in front of all the hipster patrons looking around and thinking fora minute and then sauntered out to do it again at another 30 places. it seemed like a waste of the atmosphere to me, especially when we finally found an awesome little book store and she left prematurely. sick of it all on the train back to penn station, i washed away my troubles with headphones full of Mirah's You Think It's Like This, But Really It's Like This
two days later we ventured out to Coney Island for the Siren Music Festival. we only really went to see TV On The Radio and they were fan-freaking-tastic. after a long lunch from Cosi in Union Square, i urged a pit stop in H&M on the way to Penn Station. Heather started calling me gay based on my cute notebook cover, pretty hair, and the fact that i like clothes shopping and have good taste in clothes. this doesn't make me gay, its just makes me awesome.
coincidentally, Nova's favorite hip new magazine Bust had a "is your man a wimp?" quiz, which scored me as a metrosexual. odd...

on monday, the fine folks at Ringling informed me that my FAFSA is not on file for this year, meaning no financial aid whatsoever. i proceeded to fill out the entire FAFSA for the third time in six months (this time it only took two hours because i actually had my dad right there to answer money questions). my mother and i decided that it must have simply been that my dad didn't type in his PIN number last time, signing off on the whole form and sending it out. i should have revised figures on my bill next week.

yesterday i actually reviewed all eight incarnations of this blog, looking over each layout and each color scheme and each set of graphics and i've got to say that i like them all except the ugly grey one (#7) from this past fall. i also think it was stupid to ever put my face in the banner (#6 & #7) also, the grey and purple star layout (#5) was ahead of its time by like five months and i just didn't appreciate it. i'll take screenshots of them all sometime and post them somewhere for a retrosepctive.

which makes me think the Speed of Boredom needs a new look. anyone who reads this is free to make suggestions. email me at

jam of the week: Of Montreal's "Lysergic Bliss"

8:30 PM
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