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the speed of boredom

Sunday, October 24, 2004

yesterday was a fun day, i guess. we went on a field trip to the mall. max got a haircut and bought a sweater and tshirt at the Gap and brian bought an RC racecar of the Delourian from Back to the Future II (i'm sure there's some difference from the one in the first movie that i just don't care about) and i bitched about and mocked the poser goth kids. honestly, there were at least seventy of them throughout the mall, all dressed in super-black, mostly ripped strategically in "cool, angsty" places, mostly with pictures of JTHM or Jack Skelington on their clothes somewhere, and alot of them with white crap smeared on their face to make them look even more pale. at one point i noticed about twelve of them congregated together in a circle just outside the Disney store, and all of them were bent over laughing with wide smiles.
seriously, that should be illegal.
if you're going to make such an OBVIOUS effort to appear falsely angst-riddled and such, then it should be against the law for you and your ilk to gather in social areas like A MALL in FLORIDA on a BEAUTIFUL SATURDAY AFTERNOON and LAUGH in GROUPS!!!
no, you must be agnsty, alone, and serious in a dark room somewhere to write your brooding poetry and such. you're not allowed to have a pack of friends with whom you laugh like school children outside the fucking disney store in a mall in florida, especially not on a beautiful sunny saturday afternoon, because being in a public place on such days means that you had to go outside into the horrible horrible light in order to get there to hang out with your friends.
either be a fucking goth poser, or be an average teenager. pick one, but being both is just plain self-destructive, and not the cool kind of self-destruction that both of those demographics tend to be prone to but the kind of self-destruction where you'll look back on it after a few years and realize that the things you ewre doing directly contradicted each other at the same time and that you really had no identity whatsoever, you were just trying to fit in and so was everyone else you were trying to fit it with. YOU ARE THE VERY PEOPLE THAT THE REAL GOTH KIDS ARE REBELLING AGAINST!!! at least the "goth kids" and the "average teenagers" are doing something, something they'll hopefully come to realize was lame and they've grown out of, but what these kids are doing is just null and void. they're completely doing nothing!!!
oh yeah, and i bought Kill Bill volume 1 and 2 on dvd.

4:38 PM
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