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the speed of boredom

Sunday, January 23, 2005

brian's been working on this model of a spaceship he designed. pretty cool so far:

fishing wire inside to illuminate some of the windows. cool.

the school library (where i work) is replacing the digital cameras we've had for the past three years with newer, better ones. i'm perfectly fine with that, but then i find out that all the old ones are going to the computer animation department.
tell me, why does the computer animation department need 30 digital still cameras? why do they need any still cameras? i could understand video cameras...but still? fine artists and illustrators could use those cameras to take pictures of their work. photographers could use them to actually do their work. interior designers, illustrators, and graphic designers could use them to take pictures for reference materials. what can computer animators do? take pictures of their maquettes, maybe. does that really need all of those cameras? why not just five? and why was the entire CIC building (which they spent all of my freshman year building and all of last eyar figuring out what to do with) given to computer animators as additional lab space? are these students just that afraid of social interaction that they can't possibly share lab space with anybody else or go to the library to rent digital cameras just like the rest of the student body? what makes them so special that they get their own private building and their own stock of digital still cameras equal to the sum of digital still cameras available to the rest of the entire student body?

that just bugs me.

2:44 PM
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