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the speed of boredom

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

so friday is when we're supposed to submit our graphic design entries to Best of Ringling. i'm also going to get my portfolio back from the Ringling Design Center tommorrow (at which point i will be informed that i am a talentless hack and there's no chance in hell i will ever get a decent graphic design job...or not).
while for the design center we could submit any printed graphic design work we'd done and liked, for best of ringling we can only submit up to five things and they all have to have been for our graphic design classes from march 2004 to march 2005.
right now i'm thinking i'll submit a print of the percussive type poster i made in september, a remade biomedical passport from last march (i reprinted all the transparencies a couple hours ago and i'm hanging it on fishing wire this time rather than lame blue thread), a cd-rom with my kraft macaroni & cheese webpage from february (or was that january? i can't remember right now), and my Marty DVD case from last april (which i've been meaning to put online for a long time now)and something else, either the gender type poster i made in september, or my candy packages if i pull an all nighter and finish them thursday night, which i just might do. i haven't pulled an all nighter since my Intimate Communicators packages back in december (that was a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG and rewarding night. as soon as i made the cardboard base for the microphone at 4am, i jumped up and did a dance of joy)

while i really all the box projects i've made this year (studio architetti associatti chaise lounge, intimate communicators figures, and passion candy) i don't feel that they are particularly strong pieces. i liked the general design and feel of all of them, but something felt off. maybe when i add an accent color to these passion boxes it'll look awesome.

i also got my first reply to a resume today! Fuse (the music television channel) hasn't confirmed that they've filled the position, but they're pretty sure they have, but they confirmed that they do have my information just in case they need to find someone else. awesome, it only took three months to be rejected by them.

8:29 PM
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