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the speed of boredom

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

ok, i know alot of blogs have already hyped up canadian crooner Leslie Feist, but i need to do it today. i'll tell you why at the end.
so here's the story of my love affair with Madame Feist thus far:

last semester, one of my favorite mp3 bloggers posted a handful of songs from his favorite underappreciated albums of 2004. its was in that batch of songs that i first learned of both brooklyn-electropoppers Burnside Project and the lovely lady Feist. i took to Burnside Project more quickly because it was upbeat, catchy, and fun, but "Mushaboom" stayed on my playlist and made me smile a bop whenever it came on. it was just infectious after the first couple listens. so jubilant, and her voice was sheer pleasure.
sadly, i almost skipped her over, but the paragraph in the blog entry about her mentioned that she had sung on a few tracks for both Broken Social Scene and Kings of Convenience, both bands i had recently become enamored with much later than i should have.
i gave my dad the 2004 Kings of Convenience album because when i tried to think of what to get him my head hurt, so i turned on some music and after a half hour "Misread" came on my random playlist and i was like "Dad would LOVE this!" naturally, after he listened to it and confirmed that he loved it, i burned a copy for myself, and the two tracks that Leslie sang on we divine.
about a month and a half after coming back to school for this semester, i finally caved and got Feist's 2004 album Let It Die and it made me very happy. this is what singing sounds like, and the backing music is classy and pleasant with both the simplicity to suggest real people made it and those little complexities to suggest that really brilliant people made it. i listened to it basically nonstop for a week, as is my practice lately, for the following week i got my digital hands on the Fiona Apple "leak" of Extraordinary Machine
still, Let It Die is fantastic beauty, and the other assorted Feist songs i have on my hard drive are almost all just as impressive, plus i like each song i've heard her sing for both BSS and KoC, so either she has a flair for only making good songs or its her voice that convinces me everytime.

anyway, the reason i must mention this today is that the song "One Evening" from Let It Die (which i'm fairly certain still hasn't been released in the U.S.) is a FREE download on the iTunes Music Store this week, so if you need a sample of this intoxicating aural pleasure, its free this week on iTunes.

also, alot of mp3 blogs of late have been passing around an mp3 of Bright Eyes covering Feist's "Mushaboom" at their Black Session performance in France. fun, but the original is still more amazing.

1:05 PM
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