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the speed of boredom

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

if you're like me, then you had calculus and even pre-calc in high school, and when you had those, you had a Texas Instruments graphing calculator. personally, i had the hand-me-down TI-82 from my older sister, but alot of my friends had the newer TI-83. as far as classwork went, there was no real difference. in fact, we never did anything with the TI-83s that we couldn't with the TI-82s. we loved the fact that in addition to numbers and mathematical functions, the calculators also had a full alphabet, so we could type out messages and poems and stuff on our calculator and then pass it to somebody else, and the teacher would just think we were doing math rather than passing notes. as productive as the calculators were, our favorite feature was that you could download games people had made specifically for the calculators. i know my friends and i were quite fond of Pimp Quest, a text-based rpg where you were a low-class pimp on the rise. i heard some kids got tetris, but i never saw it.
well, kids nowadays are lucky. not only do the newest TI-83s have USB cords for easy internet downloading, but somebody just made a version of the ever popular Dance Dance Revolution for it.

awesome. totally awesome.
for more info, run on over to

yes, the fact that this excites me does reinforce that i am a geek, especially since i don't even have that calculator anymore.

4:42 PM
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