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the speed of boredom

Thursday, November 10, 2005

LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem

James Murphy knows more about music that makes people dance than anybody ever in the history of mankind ever has, does, or will. Monsieur Murphy is one-half of NYC's world famous DFA (Death From Above, tastefully shortened after 9/11) production team. In addition to being the first DJ known to ever play Daft Punk, he also produced The Rapture's Echoes, the album widely thought of as kicking off the whole dancepunk craze that completely swept the nightclub scene for the past few years. Apparently, James had so much fun with all of that, he decided he wanted to start his own band. Over a couple of years, LCD Soundsystem put out a series of four singles, which the hipsters went nuts for. The grand total of eight songs in two years (an A side and B side to each of the four singles) left the masses dancing in place, craving more, More, MORE!!! James delievered this past January with the release of LCD Soundsystem's self-titled debut album. The album alone doubled the number of bootyliscious tracks in the band's repetoir, and not a single one was pointless filler. To make it even better, DFA released the album as a double-disc, including all of the pre-released A sides and B sides on the second disc. 16 tracks of dancamatic glory!
Ok, so you couldn't really dance to "Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up," or "Great Release," but they were both beautiful songs nonetheless.

For your educational purposes, I've picked one track off of each disc. First up, the album opener and first single from the album, the self-servicing "Daft Punk is Playing At My House." Next, the epic song that first convinced me that the band was worth the praise that had been heaped upon them months before the album even leaked, "Beat Connection," which originally appeared as the B-side to the bands very first single "Losing My Edge" back in summer 2002.

Daft Punk Is Playing At My House MP3
Beat Connection MP3

Tribulations MOV

9:35 PM
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