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the speed of boredom

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Spoon - Gimme Fiction

Indie rock staples Spoon issued their fifth full-length this year, the much-lauded Gimme Fiction, with this head-scratcher of cover designs by the tremendously chic and productive Sean McCabe, responsible for much of the visual styling behind bands such as Interpol and Asobi Seksu. Its certainly not an unusual cover for the band, and it appropriately allows the viewer to wonder what the story is behind this unusual scene without brazenly challenging the viewer to admit that there is anything there to figure out. Spoon's songs tell tales of confusion and general unrest, but are still crafted as gentle rockers, songs that you would be perfectly content just listening to without trying to figure out what they mean.
In "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine," Britt Daniel tells us about a man who loses himself in a play because the real world is just too mundane for him. "I turn the news on a while, I practice my scene. You think things are straight but they're not what they seem 'til you know the two sides on Monsieur Valentine, in his coat and his boots and his blackheart machine."
And the sense of unrest continues in the terrifically catchy single, "Sister Jack," where we hear that "And I can't relax with my knees on the ground and a stick in my back, Sister Jack. No, I can't just relax knowing that you're coming back, Sister Jack."
There's really not much I can say about this album. Spoon is an amazing band who have earned the huge amount of "indie-cred" they've aquired over the years, and this album is just as good if not better than previous albums such as Girls Can Tell which have served as the soundtrack for my college life.

The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine MP3
Sister Jack MP3

3:20 AM
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