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the speed of boredom

Friday, March 03, 2006

spring break for me officially starts this afternoon around 2pm. on the one hand, i don't have to go to class or work for a week. on the other hand, i've still got a tremendous amount of things to do, and now limited lab hours available. not much of a vacation, but hopefully it will provide me the opportunity to get exactly what i need to get done to a degree of comfortable completion.
let this entertain you for now:
Acclaimed comics scribe Warren Ellis wrote this little rant in his blog about this summer's San Diego Comic-Con and inadvertantly launched the funniest flame war I've ever seen between himself and Buffy The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon (scroll down to the comments and read. hi-f'n-larious)

as i mentioned before, all the senior graphic designers are working on their portfolio websites. check out the progress we're all making on this menu Jeff made with links to everyone's pages.
on tuesday, 21 of the 43 students had nothing up there. this morning, only 17 are still completely devoid of content, with a good number of them still bare bones.
mine has made significant changes since tuesday and will have more in the coming weeks.

11:25 AM
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