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the speed of boredom

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Doctor sings!

Everyone thought it was a cool idea when UK phone company BT had Tom Baker of Doctor Who fame come in and records thousands of words and word fragments so that people could text message each other and hear their messages read aloud by the Doctor. Hell, its the best damn reason I've heard yet to use text messaging.
Well, some goofy British technophiles took the next logical step, by texting the lyrics to popular songs and recording the Doctor's recitation over midi tracks of the originals! Of course, it lacks the sincerity of William Shatner's song interpretations, but its still damn entertaining.
Click here to hear a few songs, including Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody," Pulp's "Common People," and my favorite, the Smith's "How Soon Is Now" which already sounded a lot like the theme music for Doctor Who anyway. I feel like that recording would be perfect end credit music for a Doctor Who movie, especially considering the trademark low production value of Doctor Who throughout its history.
I actually watched one of the new episodes last night, and while the production value was expectantly much, much higher than the old DVDs my mom and I have been watching, it was still pretty laughable, but that's always been part of the fun.

9:56 AM
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