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the speed of boredom

Sunday, April 30, 2006

  • I'm very excited for two new music releases coming out this week. Both are self-titled debut albums. Both are three-pieces. Both feature multi-instrumentalists prominently to the point of "how the hell can they do that live?" Both have album art (above) that is confusing and has little to do with anything but is still kind of cute. I am refering, of course, to Think About Life and Oh No! Oh My!

  • One Slice With Extra Meaning is probably my favorite installment of "True-Life Tales" yet! Not surprising, considering the writer, Chuck Klosterman, also wrote my second favorite installment, the one about being stopped by a police officer on the street in LA and thinking he was on a reality tv show or something.

  • Jori Finkel reports on what we've known forever, that this time of year is utter hell for art school students, with final critiques being emotionally ravaging processes at times.

  • Sufolk County is preparing to provide free wireless internet throughout the county. Oddly enough, my scorn and disdain for the county and its residents remains unchanged.

  • Everybody loves/hates MTV's "My Super Sweet Sixteen". In the last episode I saw, the son of one of the big shots at Def Jam records gave out Sony Bean mp3 players which had an audio invitation preloaded on to them, his party was DJed by Jermaine Dupri, his Godfather P. Diddy hung out with the kids, and everyone was blown away by a super surprise performance by Kanye West. If that were my sixteenth birthday party, I think I'd kill myself the following year.

2:50 PM
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