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the speed of boredom

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Get Ready to Think About Life Again

Hey, do me a favor real quick and scroll down, like, five posts. Yeah, remember when Think About Life's self-titled debut was my favorite album of 2005? Good times, right? Well they're friggin' back, son.

Think About Life's second disc Family hits Canada May 26th (and probably the internet a week or two before that). They're spending the end of this month touring the midwest US with Ratatat, and I'm kind of sad I'm missing that. Awesome news, though, is that they'll be playing in Brooklyn April 25th with Ponytail and Marnie Stern! That's kind of super rad!

Here's the homemade music video for Family's "Wizzzard". Catchy song, vibrant change from the sound of the first album:

To keep the hype going for that sweet Brooklyn show, here's a kickass session Ponytail did with my buddies at

And here's a decidedly rockin' live video of Marnie Stern the PFTV crew shot this past fall during CMJ (if memory serves, one of only three worthwhile shows all week):

So yes, I will be attending this show in all likelihood. And I will be extraordinarily satisfied at the end of the night.

1:00 AM
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