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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Record Review - Future of the Left's Travels With Myself and Another

Can we all agree to stop comparing Future of the Left to McLusky now? Though the bands share two-thirds of the same members, Future of the Left have proven in only two albums to be more focused, more powerful, and generally more awe-inspiring than McLusky were throughout their nine-year career. Andy Falkous's lyrics are as vein-searingly earnest as ever. "You Need Satan More Than He Needs You" brings us such sound wisdom as "The spell that brought me here dissipated when the weather turned. Yeah sure, Satan rules, but that doesn't mean I can't be practical. What kind of orgy leaves a sense of deeper love?" "Chin Music" paints a powerful confrontation with words like "I knew I couldn't stop it so I didn't die trying. I couldn't stop it so I didn't think twice." "Throwing Bricks at Trains" is quite easily one of the catchiest rock songs of the year with its staccato keyboard melody so fuzzed out it resembles a distorted punk guitar, and album closer "Lapsed Catholics" delivers some of the most satisfying power chords in recent memory after a minute-and-a-half of aimless acoustic wondering. "I'm on a mercy mission to prove to my new love that she is my nothing, that she is my no one," Andy belts when the song finally kicks in, and the listener begins to wonder just how scary the future of the left will be.

6:00 PM
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